In order to fill in the workbooks properly be sure you have Adobe Acrobat Reader DC installed on your computer. Use the links below to download Acrobat if you need to. (Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is free to download and install).
ID cards for staff and students are available for pick-up at Castlegar, Silver King and Tenth Street Campuses.
Please use the correct form to request your Card.
Distance students can receive their card in the mail, but will need to use the card in conjunction with photo id.
Access from home or from a wireless device on campus requires an email address and password. This is the same as the login information you set up to access email, Moodle, or a campus networked computer.
Students receive a $10 credit at the beginning of their program. Once this credit has been used students may add additional credit to their accounts at the Library Main Desk. Cash, debit and credit are accepted with a $3 minimum to use a card.
Credits may be added via the self-service portal from home using a credit card.
14 days
28 days
14 days
7 days
7 days
7 days
Interlibrary Loans
14 days
14 days
7 days
7 days
7 days
AV Equipment
7 days
7 days
Interlibrary Loans
$1 per day
$1 per day
$1 per day
$10 per day
AV Equipment
When a patron wants to request an item in the catalogue, they can place a hold using their My Account login credentials. The patron will be notified when the item is ready to be picked up. Be sure to select the correct location for pickup.
Patrons may renew items by logging into My Account or by contacting the library.
Reserves are materials that instructors have made available for their students to share.
These items have brief loan periods to allow more people to access the item.
Instructors may place an item on reserve using the form below.
Interlibrary Loans are items that are not owned by Selkirk College Library but may be accessible from another public or post-secondary library in British Columbia.
Please note that the maximum borrowing time of these materials is 14 days.
Staff and faculty may suggest items for purchase by the library. Please contact us if there is an item you would like to see added to our catalogue.
Faculty and staff may book equipment. Please see this page for further information.
Librarians can provide bibliographic instruction for your students ranging from a general overview of library resources to classes targeted for subject specific research. To arrange a session please email us or call the library and ask to speak to a librarian.
Instructors can link to journal articles, streaming videos and other library resources.
Links can be embedded in Moodle or in software such as MS Word or PowerPoint.
All use of copyright material at Selkirk College must be in copyright compliance. Individuals will need to determine if they are able to use material under copyright as they would like to.
Academic honesty and integrity are values all students at Selkirk College should practice and uphold. Plagiarism is a serious academic offense. The following are useful resources for helping students understand and avoid plagiarism.
The libraries at Selkirk College are accessible to all residents of the West Kootenay / Boundary Region.
Researchers and visitors are welcome to visit any campus library to consult and make use of:
the print collection
the microform collection and our unique local archive that houses a robust collection of West Kootenay historical materials
research databases and other electronic resources (in-library access only)
self-service copiers and printers
A current piece of ID with your West Kootenay / Boundary address on it is required to get a community borrower's card. There is no cost for the card and it can be obtained from the Castlegar or Nelson campus libraries.
Please Note: The Library's mission and first concern is to support the teaching and learning of Selkirk College students and faculty. We value the use of our libraries by local area residents and visitors; however, our lending services to community are limited so that we can give students the best service possible.
In the book Becoming a Master Student1, the chapter on critical thinking opens with the following statement: “Be willing to find various points of view on any issue”. It is in the spirit of supporting student’s journey to becoming critical thinkers that the library strives to have diverse viewpoints on the wide range of subject matter contained in its collection. This enables students to encounter views that are different from their own, even ones that may be offensive or unsettling to them. We live in a relatively free and open democratic society, and an important life lesson for any student of any age is to learn that one needs to understand that world will not always agree with them, nor should it.
Indeed, following on from the “be willing to find various points of view on any issue” is the exhortation to “Practice empathy”, as a good student should try to fully understand ideas that they disagree with. This has 2 clear benefits, one being a good understanding of opposing viewpoints will sharpen one’s own arguments. The second and more important one is that one should always be open to the possibility that, after carefully examining evidence, one might be wrong about one’s own position.
Social psychologists have noted that confirmation bias – the tendency to seek out information that supports one’s existing beliefs – is one of the hardest biases to overcome (One Bias to Rule Them All). Having a library
collection that has a variety of viewpoints on any given topic can help fight against this
common bias in our thinking.
The academic library thus strives for positional neutrality, providing resources for students to form their own opinions. For example, that the library has Mussolini’s Fascism; doctrine and institutions, or Marx’s Communist Manifesto is not an endorsement of the views contained within, but an acknowledgement that these are key texts in history, and a good student will try to understand them on their own terms as an important part of
understanding the rise of fascism or communism.
In closing, always to good to remember Selkirk College’s motto “Best of all, inquire” – a
diverse collection allows students to do just that.
1Ellis, D. (2021), Becoming a master student: making the career connection (17th ed.). Pearson
VPN Issues
Please note that accessing library resources through the Selkirk College VPN will not work. Please access resources without the VPN and login using ezproxy when prompted.