According to the Canadian Agencies for Drugs and Technologies in Health there are certain factors to look for when deciding whether a health website is credible:
- Author: The website should clearly identify the author, institution, and editorial board (the people responsible for the professional review of the content).
- Date: The website should contain current scientific information, and the content should be updated regularly.
- Objectivity: The website should be evidence-based and objective (factual) in its content, listing benefits and risks (e.g., side effects). The website should mention other treatment options, if available, including no treatment, and it should encourage patients to consult with a health care professional.
- Purpose: The website should state its purpose clearly. Any advertising should be clearly marked and separated from the site’s main content.
- Transparency: The website should identify its ownership, sources of funding, and explain how it collects and uses personal information.
- Usability: The website should be easy to use, well-organized, and well-designed. It should provide a way of contacting the owner of the site.