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APA Style Guide





Periodical Information


Author, A.A., & Author, B.B.


Title of article.

Title of Periodical, 33(5), 9-27.

Name of Group.

(2022, January).

Title of Periodical, 2(1-2), Article 12.


(2022, March 23)

Title of Periodical

Three to Twenty Authors

List by last names and initials; commas separate author names, while the last author name is preceded again by ampersand.


More Than Twenty Authors

List by last names and initials; commas separate author names. After the first 19 authors’ names, use an ellipsis in place of the remaining author names. Then, end with the final author's name (do not place an ampersand before it). There should be no more than twenty names in the citation in total.


Wiskunde, B., Arslan, M., Fischer, P., Nowak, L., Van den Berg, O., Coetzee, L., Juárez, U., Riyaziyyat, E., Wang, C., Zhang, I., Li, P., Yang, R., Kumar, B., Xu, A., Martinez, R., McIntosh, V., Ibáñez, L. M., Mäkinen, G., Virtanen, E., . . . Kovács, A. (2019). Indie pop rocks mathematics: Twenty One Pilots, Nicolas Bourbaki, and the empty set. Journal of Improbable Mathematics, 27(1), 1935–1968.

Journal article with a DOI

Author, A.A. (year of publication). Title of article. Journal Title, volume(issue number), pp-pp.

Phillips, B., Shaw, R. J., Sullivan, D. T., & Johnson, C. (2010). Using virtual environments to enhance nursing distance

          education. Creative Nursing,16(3),132-135.

Parenthetical in-text: (Phillips et al., 2010)

Narrative in-text: Phillips et al. (2010)

Journal article without DOI, from library database

Author, A.A. (year of publication). Title of article. Journal Title, volume(issue number), pp-pp.

Seymour, C. (2019). Facebook, undergraduates, and ruined relationships: An exploratory study. College Student Journal, 53(4), 


Tip: Neither a URL nor the database name are required for references for articles from library databases

Parenthetical in-text: (Seymour, 2019)

Narrative in-text: Seymour (2019)

Journal article from a website

Dysterheft, J., Chaparro, G., Rice, L., & Rice, I. (2018). Investigating the outcomes and perceptions of an inclusive aquatic

          exercise class for university students with physical disabilities. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 31(1),


Parenthetical in-text: (Dysterheft et al., 2018)

Narrative in-text: Dysterheft et al. (2018)

Magazine article

Lewis, T. (2021, July 22). Why extreme heat is so deadly. Scientific American.


Parenthetical in-text: (Lewis, 2021)

Narrative in-text: Lewis (2021)

Newspaper article online (with print edition)

Heuvelmans, J. (2020, April 22). Hand dryer or paper towel? Study looks at the safest way to dry hands. The Montreal Gazette.


Tip: To cite articles from online news websites (vs. online newspapers as shown above) see the webpages and websites section of this guide.

Parenthetical in-text: (Heuvelmans, 2020)

Narrative in-text: Heuvelmans (2020)

Newspaper article - no author

Outdoor lovers issued warning. (2010, February 26). Nelson Daily News, pp. 1, 4.

Tip: If there is no author for the article, use the title of the article to the first position followed by a period.

For the in-text citation, use a few words of the title.

Parenthetical in-text: ("Outdoor lovers," 2010)

Narrative in-text: "Outdoor lovers" (2010)

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