Selkirk College. (2022, January 19). Awarded the Distinguished Educator for 2020, Kathleen Pinckney’s regional post-
secondary legacy shines bright almost two decades after her retirement. [Image attached] [Status Update].
Parenthetical in-text: (Selkirk College, 2022)
Narrative in-text: Selkirk College (2022)
Selkirk College. (n.d.). Home [Facebook page]. Facebook. Retrieved January 19, 2022, from
Parenthetical in-text: (Selkirk College, n.d.)
Narrative in-text: Selkirk College (n.d.)
Graeme, A. [@SelkirkPrez]. (2022, January 19). This is fantastic news and so timely for ECCE students, families in the
community, and early childhood care and education [Image attached] [Tweet]. Twitter.
Philadelphia Museum of Art [@philamuseum]. (2019, December 3). “It’s always wonderful to walk in and see my work in a
collection where it’s loved, and where people are [Photograph]. Instagram.
Parenthetical in-text: (Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2019)
Narrative in-text: Philadelphia Museum of Art (2019)